We are a non-profit organization dedicated to provide intervention for girls 13 to 17 years of age, who are considered at-risk. We accept and appreciate all donations, sponsorship and in kind support.
An opportunity to support this community service initiative
Scholarship for 10 Students – Platinum
Scholarship for 5 Students - Gold
Scholarship for 3 Students - Silver
Scholarship for 1 student - Bronze
Newsletter Ad
Individuals, Businesses and Organizations - statement of motivation, and inspiration to support our college bound youth.
All donations will go towards the college bound inititiave.
$100.00 College-Bound Initiative - One-Page Ad
$75.00 - College-Bound Initiative - Half-Page Ad
$50.00 -College-Bound Initiative - Quarter Page Ad
$25.00 -College-Bound initiative - Business Card size Ad
Please Click Here to view Summer Camp Wish List.
Key Components of our Proposal for Platinum Sponsorship
1. Renaming the girl camp to include the name of our major sponsor.
2. Your company will be the exclusive naming sponsor for 1 year.
3. This name will be used in the franchising of the run to 10 additional cities.
4. Your company will sponsor the motivational dinners held a month before camp in all 10 cities.
5. Your company will have your name and logo on all promotional material for all events, including advertisement banners, al registration forms, Camp T-shirts all event advertising.
6. Your company executives will participate in all opening events and media conferences leading up to the event and after the
Donations are accepted via secure PayPal, check or money order mailed to:
Kaya Retreats, Inc.
Rites of Passage Girls Camp
4710 S. Western Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90062
An opportunity to support this community service initiative
Scholarship for 10 Students – Platinum
Scholarship for 5 Students - Gold
Scholarship for 3 Students - Silver
Scholarship for 1 student - Bronze
Newsletter Ad
Individuals, Businesses and Organizations - statement of motivation, and inspiration to support our college bound youth.
All donations will go towards the college bound inititiave.
$100.00 College-Bound Initiative - One-Page Ad
$75.00 - College-Bound Initiative - Half-Page Ad
$50.00 -College-Bound Initiative - Quarter Page Ad
$25.00 -College-Bound initiative - Business Card size Ad
Please Click Here to view Summer Camp Wish List.
Key Components of our Proposal for Platinum Sponsorship
1. Renaming the girl camp to include the name of our major sponsor.
2. Your company will be the exclusive naming sponsor for 1 year.
3. This name will be used in the franchising of the run to 10 additional cities.
4. Your company will sponsor the motivational dinners held a month before camp in all 10 cities.
5. Your company will have your name and logo on all promotional material for all events, including advertisement banners, al registration forms, Camp T-shirts all event advertising.
6. Your company executives will participate in all opening events and media conferences leading up to the event and after the
Donations are accepted via secure PayPal, check or money order mailed to:
Kaya Retreats, Inc.
Rites of Passage Girls Camp
4710 S. Western Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90062